There's got to be a story behind this!
22 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Set aside all the wonderful commentary about the concept, plot, and script. Let's get down to it: 1. This was Howard Hawks' almost-penultimate film. His hand can be seen in places, most notably in the scene in the Piano Museum. But what about the rest? 2. Take the scene where Roger tries to learn to fish. I've never seen such poor physical comedy (from a skilled actor), and the film stage set looks like it was rented from Gilligan's Island. 3. "Man's favorite sport is girls," the theme song tells us. The "girls" are studio starlets, some of them ("Tex" in particular) of marginal acting competence. 4. My father likes this movie because he himself is a fisherman named Roger. I can barely stand it, especially because I find Paula Prentiss incredibly annoying. I'd sooner watch Pillow Talk or anything directed by Charles Walters. I won't speculate on why/how Hawks, who would go on to make El Dorado, would do such an abominable movie.
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