The Gentile Gunman ...
21 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
... would have been a more appropriate title for this dire effort in which even genuine Irishmen like Joseph Tomelty contrive to sound 'stage' oirish and the majority of the cast including the two leads are from Canada, Scotland, USA and England. In 1952 the IRA were relatively 'quiet' so it's difficult to know exactly who the film was targeting. Bogarde and Mills are about as convincing as Irishmen as Morecambe and Wise would convince as Latvians and as for accents Arthur Mullard could get closer to Noel Coward than they do to Barry Fitzgerald. Elizabeth Sellers was a fine actress on both stage and screen and this has to be without doubt the worst project in either medium with which she was ever associated. Should it ever be remade the only possible title would be Carry On Freedom Fighting.
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