Death of a Salesman (1985 TV Movie)
A challenging drama with a forceful message in its core
21 July 2014
A thought-provoking, heartfelt and tragic story that is based on a Pulitzer Prize winning play, Death of a Salesman is a very compelling character study of an aging man who is blinded by his pride, integrity and overly-ambitious goals he carries for his eldest son. The film expertly evokes themes of work, love, family and fatherhood, as an old salesman struggles to cope with the emptiness of his life, while also constantly being tormented by his own personal frustration and disappointment. Dustin Hoffman gives an outstanding performance in the leading role and is accompanied by a strong supporting cast, with John Malkovich and Kate Reid being particularly noteworthy, as all the characters are key in contributing to the overall moral of the story. However, perhaps the most interesting aspect presented in Death of a Salesman is that it does not seem to invite one to sympathize with the characters and their fate, but rather hopes for the audience to observe the struggles of life and use the film's profoundly touching story as a tool for learning and reflection.
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