(Quote) - "He's Too Nice Of A Guy To Be A Phony."
20 July 2014
From where I was sitting this "one-note-joke" definitely had a lot more going against it than it did have going for it.

Yes. I do fully realize that this "boy-meets-girl" comedy was an undeniable product of the early 1960s - But, all the same, as far as an "adult" oriented farce goes, its outright sexual naivety (on top of its lame attempts at cuteness) reduced it to the calibre of being a mediocre Disney production.

Containing way too many "you-got-the-wrong-idea" situations, this contrived comedy was more irritating than it was funny.

Not only that, but I found that the characters were played by actors (such as Rock Hudson and Paula Prentiss) who were about 10 years too old for their parts. And this made the whole story even less believable, in the long run.

Besides all of the above complaints, this picture (which contained some really irksome, half-wit banter) ran on for far too long at 122 minutes.

Man's Favorite Sport's story centres around Abercrombie & Fitch employee, Roger Willoughby, who (though he's apparently an "expert" on the sport of fishing) has never fished in his entire life (but nobody knows this).

Through a chance meeting with Abigail Page, co-owner of the Wakapoogee Lake lodge, Roger reluctantly finds himself entered into the lodge's fishing tournament.

And from this point onwards this film's story gets more and more bogged down by inane stupidity with each passing minute.

Thrown into this mundane mix is the story's token-Indian, Johnny Screaming Eagle, whose sole mission is to nickel & dime anyone (and everyone) out of their money.

Ha! Ha! So funny, I forgot to laugh!
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