Blended (2014)
Truly bad
19 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Those poor, poor actors. How to work on such a script? Was it written by a 10 year old? Was it fan-fiction originally?

This story had no flow whatsoever. Not only was it immature and cliché, it didn't even have a proper script formation. The scenes were unconnected. The dialogue, especially at the beginning, had no real purpose. You could bypass the first half hour of the film with no real problem. Not to mention that the characters are really, really, badly written.

It is amazing how writers and directors think that in order to make a respectable rom com these days, all you need is two white leads who fall in love in the end, a goofy best friend, corny music and dialogue and you're pretty much done. Just know that sloppy can only get you as far as forgettable.
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