Wheeler Dealers (2003– )
Great, no-nonsense show with a simple "you can do it" attitude
18 July 2014
Rarely do shows about often dry topics like car repair resonate with so many people, but it's clear that the British-produced "Wheeler Dealers" hits precisely this mark. With its simple, average-guy approach to buying, repairing, and selling used cars, it conveys an equally simple encouragement to the non-mechanic that anyone with a wrench and a bit of ambition can tackle most repair jobs.

Mike Brewer and Edd China make the perfect tandem of street buying smarts and mechanical know-how that has allowed them to turn a profit on nearly every car they've taken on. Mike's vehicle knowledge combined with his folksy yet hard-charging sales smarts makes you think he could sell venom to a cobra and make the cobra think it was his idea. China's vast yet understated knowledge of the mechanicals combined with his easy-going "let's get cracking" attitude shows how simple many seemingly daunting repairs can be. Obviously, some repairs require tools and resources beyond the scope of many do-it-yourself types, but the mere notion that nothing is beyond the scope of someone willing to "give it a go" makes Wheeler Dealers an unmistakable winner - even if don't own a single "spanner" (wrench).

Here's hoping "Wheeler Dealers" goes on for many years to come!
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