Cheyenne: Fury at Rio Hondo (1956)
Season 1, Episode 12
Redo of a Hemingway Story
16 July 2014
This is a virtual verbatim remake of 1944's Bogart and Bacall classic To Have and Have Not. Written by Hemingway and taking place in 1940 Martinique, with the Vichy French and the Nazis instead of the French and Mexicans. Bogart uses a boat to Cheyennes wagons but right down to the line I don't know what kind of war you guys are fighting, dragging your wives along is again a verbatim clip from the movie. Notable was the fact that that movie was Bogart and Bacalls initial film together. Walter Brennen played the drunken sidekick who was always asking Have you ever been bitten by a dead bee? A good performance by Hoagy Carmichael as the piano player only adds to the atmosphere. Anyway, a great movie and if you get a chance to see it, you will have seen this episode of Cheyenne as well. You may enjoy both of these, I did, particularly the movie.
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