Gang Related (2014)
Remember "The Shield"? "Gang Related" might just be as good.
16 July 2014
Fans of former FX show "The Shield" will love "Gang Related".

The show started off good and after the last few episodes, its reach GREAT status. Especially episode 7 (stealing back the Fish Scale). The acting is great, the story lines are somewhat believable. It does have a few faults -

No.1 - I love Javier Acosta (Cliff Curtis) and without him...perhaps this show is a dud. Yet when you have him speaking Spanish, you can tell he's not Mexican. This is especially evident when he's speaking with Los Metas member Miguel Salazar. It's not a deal breaker, just an observation.

No.2 - Gang Members don't wear bandannas across there forehead. I see this all the time and I just don't understand why Hollywood keeps making this mistake. If you have to have a bandanna on a gang member. Have it place around his throat, in the same manner someone might place it just before a robbery to partially cover there face. Just don't place it on there foreheads, it's not the 80's! Besides that, the rest of the gang members in the show, actually look like what you would see in the hood. I would suggest you have Carlos razor shave his head...we don't do fades.

Besides those small mistakes, I love this show. I've recommended it to my friends and all of them are now hook. Hopefully it gets picked up for a few more seasons.

PS. I've read news stories of Mexican's dislike how Gang Related portrays them. I'm Mexican and I have no issue at all. Would you rather be portrayed as a High School teacher who makes Meth? Or perhaps a leader of a Biker Gang? Both of these two shows give you a man who is good at heart and yet has to make some decisions that you may not understand. Yet, they do it for there FAMILY. Which is why I love Gang Related, S.O.A, The Shield and Breaking Bad.
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