Star Trek: Let That Be Your Last Battlefield (1969)
Season 3, Episode 15
"You monotones don't understand"
12 July 2014
Stranger things have been known to happen, but the chances of two races of humanoid as typified by Frank Gorshin and Lou Antonio probably couldn't happen in real life. Still as an allegory about prejudice these characters and this Star Trek episode are a fine example.

First Lou Antonio manages to board the Enterprise requesting asylum. He's white and black with a dividing line clear down vertically of his body. After that Frank Gorshin arrives stating he's a law enforcement official from the planet Charon the other side of the galaxy with a warrant for Antonio whom he describes as a terrorist. Gorshin is also black and white just on the reverse sides.

From them we learn how Gorshin's crowd became the dominant race on their planet and how Antonio is a freedom fighting hero for his people. Both of them have extraordinary mental abilities and drive the Enterprise at will forcing control away from William Shatner and the crew. Oh, and they've been pursuer and pursued for 50,000 years.

In the end when they get to Charon it's quite a sight for both of them.

Sometimes these blood feuds can take on a life of their own. As humans and purportedly rational beings we have to overcome that. A lesson humankind has yet to learn.
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