Funny satire. Prepare for parody.
11 July 2014
It's odd how our favourite TV star's movies slip right under the radar. You'd think the cast of Saturday Night Live and Paul Rudd's star power would be enough to gain some traction. Either way, they're having fun here in what seems to be a movie-length sketch. You have to know the comedy that they have in mind here. They Came Together is a satire, on the brink of a parody movie, but a clever take on rom-com conventions. They perpetuate them, sprinkling vulgarity in the sickly sweet clichés. It's an often hilarious film, although frequently misfires with jokes that aren't measured in the same way as the rest of the film. They're funny, but they don't make you laugh. Sometimes it spoils it with absurd moments of fantasy and it becomes the melodrama that it's pretending to be, but for the most part, it's a joy to watch a handful of your favourite comedians riff of each other and deconstruct the clichés they so often have to utilise when they get a chance on the silver screen. Killer cameos too. Worth watching if you're a Poehler or Rudd fan. Certainly beats David Wain's dire Role Models anyway.

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