"We did shoot "Jaws" emerging from the circus tent . . . "
3 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
" . . . but we were unable to locate the footage," MOONRAKER associate producer Michael G. Wilson confesses without apology during this one minute, 17.75-second documentary short which raises more questions than it answers. Taken at face value, this quote seems to say that Eon Company's James Bond crew was such a haphazard bunch that 1)they mislaid key movie scenes (back in the days--1978 here, to be exact--when movie scenes were not uploaded to "the cloud" the second they were shot), 2)and rather than re-shooting "lost" material, they simply released their films without the "missing" takes, hoping that their audiences would be too drunk to notice. In the finished version of MOONRAKER, everyone wonders WHAT HAPPENS to Richard Kiel ("Jaws") AFTER he plunges without a parachute into the large blue big top tent seemingly in the middle of nowhere. MOONRAKER deletes the Pre-collapse inside footage of the circus tent, as well as "Jaws" presumed exit. (I think this is because Richard Smushed a few fourth graders on his way down!)
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