Super Smash Bros. Brawl (2008 Video Game)
2 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Title: SuperSmash Brothers Brawl

Published by: Nintendo Developed by: Ad Hoc Development Team

Completion Time: 6 hours

Storyline: You have the choice to do a multiplayer battle straight off the bat, but it is recommended for you to complete the main solo story first. Mainly because you only get to play as a few character at the very start. Once you unlock a character in solo you can then use them in multiplayer. The game starts off by throwing you into battle against Mario or Kirby, it is dependent on who you picked to play as. But if you have never played a SmashBrothers game you might need to learn how to quite quickly dependent on the difficulty level you choose. You are then introduced to Pit, an angel from KidIcarus. Being one of Nintendo's less popular franchises barely anyone knew who Pit was before this game. You then open into the next segment of the level with a cutscene showing the almost ripoff licorice men you'll be fighting for the rest of the game. After beating them you are introduced to the Ancient Minister who will be the suspected antagonist for the first part of the game. To cut an immensely long story short, the rest of the game has you going from area to area, finding new characters and trying to stop the Ancient Minister from exploding any more dark void bombs. We are then shown that Ganondorf is the one calling the shots with Bowser and Wario as his minions. He is ordering them to turn people into statues and then kidnap them. We also then find out that Ganondorf is serving under Master Hand, the antagonist from the previous SmashBrothers game The bosses throughout the game do not get more difficult as you go along, they fluctuate between easy and hard constantly. The boss for The Wilds was considerably difficult, whereas Ridley in the Research Facility was quite easy just like Raquaza was in the Lake Shore. After Mario's and Marth's team join up, we go back to Meta Knight and Lucario on the Halberd and this is where we finally get to see and play as Snake. It still isn't explain how he got there in the first place. But his catchy theme music makes us forgive that. Another thing which isn't explain is how he is able to make boxes materialize out of thin air for when Meta Knight and Lucario run by through the corridors. The only reason I like Mr Game & Watch is generally because of how random he is as a character, along with his interesting move set. It also then brings together Fox's team, Snake's team and Zelda's team to make them 1 of the 3 big teams After that level you will have a boss fight against Meta Ridley, the reason I am mentioning this, is because it has one of the best boss themes in the entire game, almost as good as Snake's theme during his own introduction level. It's also different because it is the only boss fight you're being timed on. Ganondorf betrays Bowser and turns him into a statue before going to kiss up to Master Hand, but he notices that he himself was just a pawn in the game of another, because Master Hand has been controlled by Cyber Dr Manhattan, not really just a blue guy called Tabuu who has god like powers and puts both Ganondorf and Master Hand in their places. Using his finishing move he turns all of the heroes before us into statues, but thankfully the devices King Dedede put on Luigi and Ness work to free them later on when all hope is lost.

Once you find everyone the cut scene will try and give you the impression that the quote "The Enemy of My Enemy Is My Friend" was used and that is the reason everyone is working together. But now comes the part which could take you anywhere from 2 hours to 6 hours to complete, it is the great maze. This whole part of the game reeks of "We couldn't think of what else to add" Because the next 40% of the game will be you going through levels you have already beaten, killing bosses you have already killed and fighting against the dark versions of each character you have unlocked in the game thus far. But I must admit they add cool new themes to the character fights. Overall Feel: The story had a mostly understandable narrative, even if every protagonist and every antagonist were silence through the game except for the odd groan sound every time you got hit. There were also some very good themes playing in the background, with most of them they are just there and you don't notice them, but then there are others which you listen to and end up dying many times because you're paying more attention to the music than the game. The game its self has nice graphics, keeps to a side scrolling 3D game style, some levels reward exploration which trophies and extra lives. Other levels punish it by killing you because you weren't paying attention and now the game is going to make you miss the one platform you need to complete the level.

As mentioned before it is better to complete to story mode to give your friends better choice. But at the same time if they haven't played it before, you will not have much of a challenge on your hands and they will get bored of it extremely quickly. This is why it is better to play against others who have the game also, you will get the most fun out of it this way. It also has good replay-ability, mainly because the story is so simple that you'll forget half of by tomorrow, but it not a bad simplicity.
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