Review of Phase Six

The Last Ship: Phase Six (2014)
Season 1, Episode 1
Solid Show - Recommended
29 June 2014
Don't listen to all the negatives on here, this is a solid show. Granted, the plot isn't NEW, but pretty much every plot has been done in some way or fashion.

Anyway, it's a good show with some good actors and a decent plot. I'm not big on the trailers giving away so much of the show though, I felt like I had seen half the episode before it had even started.

They do a pretty accurate job of depicting the U.S. Navy, although with some alterations that could happen given the severity of the situation this crew now finds itself in.

I really do wish people would lay off what they think are mistakes, don't forget your service members are PEOPLE just like you and me and they have emotions and feelings and do things not according to the book occasionally.

TL;DR - Great show, give it a shot and see for yourself.
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