A parody that takes itself far to seriously. Everyone looked as uncomfortable as I felt.
28 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Total crap!!! Sorry but this is not worth your time. My time is free, and it was not worth my time so that is where I get off saying so. Avoid this thing at all cost. I just kept asking "Why isn't this funny?" I just thought it was supposed to be funny, but instead it is just forced, and empty. Paul Rudd is wasted in this, everyone else is just as bad as they always are lately. This movie is just a rip off of other romantic comedies, and it is supposed to sort of parody them, but instead it takes them all on as though it has a right to those stories because this is a "true story not a movie". I did not enjoy one thing about this movie, and do not recommend it to anyone.

Jesse of www.Jesse.ca
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