I didn't see as much stock footage as I here people say
25 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers

🌕🌕🌕🌑🌑 3.1

Not as good as Demonic Toys, but not bad either. You do get to see Jack-in-the-Box out of his box a lot more, which was cool. And all of the minatures are great. Very authentic. The acting is okay to but not as good as Demonic Toys either. The effects are pretty good, but the big version of Baby Oopsie Daisy looks pretty bad from the back. Detective Gray doesn't get that much screen time, sadly, but Tim Thomerson is good as Brick Bardo, the pint sized cop from another planet. The Baby's voice is good, it's sounds a little bit more like a baby than in the other movie, but also has less flare. This film is also very short, especially without the flashback scenes. But it is still a good B-movie, so I'm recommending it to anyone interested in miniatures, and some B-movie fans too.
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