Zero Charisma (2013)
Brilliant, on all levels, epic, by all imagination.
14 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is raw truth! Pure emotion, overwhelming, distracting, painful, absolutely gut wrenching. I knew someone exactly like this, and it is as if Zero Charisma plucked him out of real life. Nothing I write can accurately describe the way this film and character made me feel. As if I was pulled back in time to high school experiencing the controlling menace of our local game master. Scott Weidemeyer represents more than some stereotype. This individual is complex, on so many levels. The scenes with his mother are horrific. I have an issue with a high level of empathy, and upon seeing a lot of these interactions like many, I cringe. On top of that I feel, not pity like some, but an overwhelming connection to a fellow human being isolated and alone. Everything about this movie, the soundtrack, the flow, the pacing, the scenery shot in Austin, TX. I loved it all! Scott experienced so much shame throughout his life. Being abandoned by his mother, embarrassed at every turn, his only positive interaction is his grandmother who doesn't relate to him at all, no role models, nothing except the steady growth of resentment. I recommend this to anyone interested in character driven stories that just so happen to involve board games. Only critique of the entire film though, *SPOILER ALERT*, no way could he drop him with a body shot.
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