Three Weeks, Three Kids (2011 TV Movie)
Not fantastic, but charming
5 June 2014
I really liked this movie. It might be because I personally am that "cool aunt", so I easily related to Jennifer's character.

But what I really liked about this movie was the way the actors portrayed their characters. Sure, it's not award winning acting, but the actors portrayed their characters very realistically. Hallmark movies, I have found, have a tendency to have good general stories, but they're portrayed in an unrealistic, cheesy way. In comparison to other Hallmark movies I could mention, the acting wasn't nearly as cheesy as it could have been. That might be because when I'm with my family, we pretty much behave the same exact way.

I also felt that the dialogue was well written. Not because it was incredibly poetic or quotable, but it was (again) realistic. It was like someone eavesdropped into a normal conversation I'd have with my own family, should have something like what the characters experienced occurred. People do have interesting conversations with their families sometimes, you know.

There was no "wow" factor to this movie, and at times I'll admit it was fairly predictable. But I will say it was cute and charming. And sometimes, it's nice to watch something like this. Sometimes it's nice to not be blown out of the water.

I would watch this movie again. I would even recommend it to others to watch (if they were into Hallmark movies).
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