Review of Mammon

Mammon (2014–2016)
Let there be Light!
1 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
A convoluted screenplay, ridiculously complex plot with no real clarification till the end, but well acted and exciting, despite the fact that excitement of this order is completely un-Norwegian. In the last scene shot in Norway (outdoors) we see the characters' faces and everything is clearly lit. Then the final scene, in the Caribbean, with clear light, despite the cloudy skies. Whatever prompted the director of this series to imagine that shooting practically everything else in darkness was a good idea? Did he imagine that it added to the darkness of the story? It is totally unauthentic – Norwegians crave light. Homes and offices are well lit and the idiotic feeble wall lights and desk lights we saw, without a main room light switched on, were simply NOT what you see in Norway. My wife is Norwegian and I have spent a lot of time in all the Nordic countries and have never experienced this sort of gloom. Close to the end, Peter is in the hospital and even there the corridors and rooms were not properly lit – impossible. If natural light was entering a room, the director made sure the actors were shot against it, so we couldn't see their faces. Why? The scene where Peter Verås returns to his apartment, the tiny lights are already on but he walks through the rooms and rolls into bed without turning on a light, was just laughable. I hope no one thinks that Norway is a country robbed of light. It's true their days are shorter in winter, but not much different (in the south of the country) from Scotland. And then there was the background music – also to add to the dramatic tension? What a nuisance; and where there was no music, there was noise. If there is a sequel to this, I shall not be watching it unless I learn that the director has grown up.
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