How do you say 'overacting' in Essex?
1 June 2014
Let me just say that this will be one hell of a short 'review' and I even feel pretty embarrassed called it such. I could only manage the first twenty minutes of this film before turning if off.

It's about the infamous 'Range Rover murders' of the mid nineties in the criminal underworld of Essex. Only this topic has already been covered numerous times (and better!) in recent films, plus Rise of the Footsoldier from a few years back, which was the best of the bunch in my opinion.

I watch a lot of horror and gangster movies - both hardly known for their 'Oscar-worthy performances,' so I like to think I'm pretty forgiving when it comes to acting. However, the simple fact is that the acting in this film is just too painful to watch. The voice-over alone is enough to get you reaching for the remote control's 'off' button. It's seriously like someone trying to do an exaggerated Danny Dyer impression, but without what little 'talent' Dyer actually possesses.

I should have checked online before watching this. At the time of writing this review, Fall of the Essex Boys currently holds a 3.1 out of 10 on IMDb. Quite generous in my opinion.

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