Review of Stevie

Stevie (2008 TV Movie)
Really good movie
30 May 2014
stevie (2008)

This is another re-watch, I seen it once before, I liked the first time I saw, which wasn't that long, it's only few months ago that I saw it.

However did forget the name of the movie lol, The movie wasn't forgettable

after a long and unsuccessful period trying to have a family, Claire and Adrian finally adopt a girl. The coming of Isabel is desired by almost the whole family but making a eight-year-old girl with a past of her own fit into her new life might be something more complicated than they expected.

With this plot you maybe think of a The omen rip-off, well it's not, it Actually about Girls invisible friend but there turns in story, not twist, there more curve ball.

There some good scenes in this movie, which liked, As it was TV movie there no blood or anything and it's wasn't that creepy, yet some seen really stand out!

I enjoyed how the movie flowed really well, I didn't get bored, I really liked how plot came to a end, I thought a Nice and very moving ending to this movie.

It made all sense in the end!

Really good movie 7 out of 10
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