Review of Hit the Deck

Hit the Deck (1955)
Gaudy, dated, and tiresome.
28 May 2014
which doesn't mean 'gaudy and dated' can't be fun! But there's the tiresome part: this thing misfires, badly. There is a lot of talent involved, some big names from the 50's, Ann Miller doing one of her eye popping tap numbers, a few vaguely familiar songs, an interesting dance number set in a carnival haunted house. Nevertheless, it just doesn't gel. It's one of those musicals with a hundred military men marching in rhythm, three sailors on the town, and the Ultra Perky Debbie Reynolds as the focal point. There she is, all energetic, peppy, and pony- tailed, singing and dancing her heart out. The kind of numbers with the adorable Girl getting tossed to and fro by a bunch of Boy Dancers - as seen on the old Carol Burnett Show! Frankly, these people were a bit too old for the plot line. I found it was (too) corny, dated, and derivative of other similar musicals. In fact, more tiresome and annoying than enchanting and memorable!
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