The Lone Wolf (1954–1955)
Holds it's age well and each episode very entertaining.
26 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The main theme of the series is that The Lone Wolf, Michael Lanyard played by Louis Hayward appears to be a free agent hired to search out solutions to often fairly complex problems. Certainly not equal to the best mystery writing of today it nonetheless has many interesting episodes and they are well played by the somewhat diminutive Hayward, in fact sometimes the female leads tower over him. Never mind...his quiet way is just right for the role and he hardly ever loses his cool. I was lucky enough to find the complete set of 39 episodes and one has to wonder why no more were made as they are quite good..even by today's standards. There don't seem to be any other reoccurring players and while some actors might appear more than once ( not sure as I have to confess to not having seen ALL of them yet ) the only consistent feature is the lead actor. If you have a chance to see this series do's very good and decidedly worth a watch.
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