Saucer on Ice
20 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** One of if not the very first movie about the advent of "Flying Saucers" or "Flying Disks"" to come out of Hollywood has them to be of earth not out of space origin. With flying saucers seen flying all over the USA at speeds of 2,000 MPH or more the US government gets undercover playboy and recovering alcoholic Mike Trent, Mikel Conrad, an Alasken native to go up north to Alaska to check out the story. It's from Alaska where it's believed the mysterious flying disks originate from.

Making believe that he's on sick leave from the bar scene in NYC Mike, on a secret mission for the government, is provided with a fellow government agent undercover nurse Vee Langley, Pat Garrison, straight out of CIA headquarters in Langely Virgina to look after his needs and provide him with medication for his so-called drinking problem. Spending his time at Vee's secretly rented by the CIA cabin in the woods it later turns out that her local houseboy the dark and sinister looking Hans, Hantz Von Teuffen, is really a Soviet spy trying to get all the information about this flying saucer mystery and deliver it back, by carrier pigeon, to the Soviet Union.

***SPOILERS*** It soon comes out that this Dr. Lawton, Roy Engel, is the inventor of the flying saucer and is trying, feeling it's his patriotic duty, to reveal the secret behind it's propulsion system to the USA. That after Dr. Lawton was offered a cool one million dollars by the Soviet Union to hand it over to them or else! And worst of all it's Dr. Lawton assistant Turner, Denver Pyle, who's secretly working as a spy for the USSR. Explosive final in the wilds of Northern Alaska as the Commies, or Russians, try to grab the flying saucer in Dr. Lawton's secret cabin basement where they all end up getting killed in a massive snow and ice avalanche due to the Commies shooting off their guns. In a desperate attempt to escape justice Turner takes off with him behind the wheel of the flying saucer on his way to the Soviet Union. He doesn't go too far with a bomb planted in it by Mike going off and sending both the saucer and Turner to the bottom of a frozen nearby glacier lake.
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