Review of Prodigy

Believe: Prodigy (2014)
Season 1, Episode 9
With Tate and Bo still training, and Winter trying to think what is his group's next move, Roman seemingly has found himself a new Bo.
19 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Something I am noticing about this show as it continues on is that it is starting to defy reality. Take for example all of Bo's showings of her powers. You'd think between all the social network sites, someone would have exposed her by now. Much less, in the episode Roman shoots at Winter in public, and Agent Ferrell just looks at him like he is crazy. Which, increasingly, he seems to be. More on that below.

Topic 1: Meet Dani

The girl from the last episode, Dani, introduces herself as a 19 year old who has been in and out of foster care and group homes since she accidentally killed her little brother. But, despite Zoe worrying about the girl's mental state, Roman is just salivating due to her potential. Thing is, with seeing Dani you almost can vision what Bo may have been like if Roman really did get a hold of her and squashed Winter ages ago. She has screws loose, looks for affirmation where possible, and with this she sort of gets attached to Zoe as she acts as Winter did when he was around. But, by the end of the episode, as Zoe warns Winter of Dani's arrival, of which Dani hears, it seems their new relationship maybe over.

Topic 2: A Hostage Situation – Channing, Winter & Roman

With Channing strapped down, and prepped for interrogation, Roman is ready to show off his "subjects." The first being Jacob who is far too weak to dig into Channing's mind, but after checking what Dani can do, Roman decides this would be the perfect first assignment for her. After all, she quickly told Roman, upon meeting him, every thought he had and even delved into his memories, so who is Channing right?

And low and behold, despite Channing's training, Dani extracts everything she needs out of her. Thus sending the FBI, with Roman following, to the backup safe house of which they spot Winter in. But then things get tricky. Agent Garner, with a team, is sent in to get Winter and I'd like to argue that Agent Garner is on Winter's side. The reason I say this is because after infiltrating the building, there is a moment of silence long enough to push the idea he was waiting for Winter to get out, and then to cover his tracks a bomb went off and he claims he was taken by surprise.

That isn't the only surprise that comes from the operation though. As Roman watches the situation go down, with baited breath, his team is knocked out and Roman kidnapped. Luckily for him though, it's just Winter and the two have a heart to heart in which you can see that despite Roman seeming evil, truthfully he is just a bit misguided, if not off his rocker. I'd say he is the type which wants there to be good in the world, but he wants to be an instrument in it. He wants the fame, and likely money, saying he discovered, cultivated, and revealed the savior of mankind, by whatever means necessary. Meanwhile, Winter simply wants to keep those with potential pure and just be a guide who stays behind the scenes.

My analysis aside, the key thing about this chat is that Winter tries to work with Roman and convince him to end his ways, but something is keeping Roman from going fully pure. What exactly I couldn't hear, and subtitles weren't available, but whatever it is, Roman was surprised Winter knew. Which perhaps would explain when Winter swapped Roman for Channing, he took an FBI agent's gun and shot at Winter, who luckily got saved by Channing taking the bullet. And I bet, despite this action, the FBI will likely let Roman be free, even after attempted murder.

Topic 3: Side Story – Margaret's Violin (Tate & Bo)

As for our two leads, while Winter is off finding their next location, Bo is training. She can now levitate, and is working on controlling her ability to lift things. Later we find out that her powers even allow her to manipulate a computer. But, the key thing about this side story is that it gives Bo another opportunity to touch someone's life.

Said person is Margaret, a girl Bo foresaw dying in a rather horrible car accident. So, being that Bo tries to be a psychic who is always wrong, she has Tate assist her in helping Margaret. But, being that Tate takes after his father when it comes to parenting, he seems to want to have a stronger influence over Bo and not always be her assistant for these rescue missions. Almost in a, "you can't save everyone" type of way, which I assume may come true if the show continues.

Anyway, Bo finds Margaret, this teen-aged girl with a very aggressive mother who isolates her daughter by homeschooling her, and has her practice to the point where you'd think she had plans to live vicariously through the child. Thankfully though, she just expects a lot out of her daughter and allows Bo to befriend Margaret. Something which saves their life. For between Bo turning the wheel to stop the fatal accident, and Tate trying his best to stop James, the driver Margaret's family almost hits, everything ends well. In fact, James we learn is a conductor for the New York Philharmonic and offers Margaret his card for when she is ready to audition.

And while I didn't fully note it, watching Bo finally make a friend her own age was quite touching and this story made me much more emotionally invested than last week's. But, I must admit, I am getting slightly tired of Bo's sass. I get Tate hasn't been around, and isn't the ideal dad, but she is just a little too much sometimes.
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