Review of Tea Peter

Family Guy: Tea Peter (2012)
Season 10, Episode 21
Amazing double standard to the point of propaganda...
19 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
For full disclosure, I am a libertarian and fiercely anti-socialist. But I've not really regarded the Tea Party as specifically libertarian either.

Now, presuming the Koch brothers were and always have been the prime mover behind the Tea Party (which I doubt), why can't they possibly have principled motives behind groups they support? And yet when George Soros throws millions behind his causes, it's pure as the driven snow? The difference? The writers/producers don't happen to agree with the Kochs. So they ignore the case they support and skewer the one they disagree with. It's simply too much take.

I can enjoy Family Guy in many instances. But then they reach too far, and rely too much on their own North Eastern parochiality like this episode. I understand it's not their job to "fair and balanced", and it is their platform, but they should also have some idea when they go beyond artistic creativity and become a shrill, straw man making hot-air machine. Not even MASH or All in the Family got so smug as to put out pure propaganda such as this, and that's saying something.

So, I'm not out to fight the Tea Party's battles, but they must on to something if both the statist parties' rank and file - and the media that support them - hate them so much (the second most powerful Republican in my State is personal friend and he detests the Tea Party). Personally I thought of the Tea Party as a ten years late and $11,000,000,000,000 short when they evolved out the middle class' resentment of Obamacare yet had nary a problem when the Republicans rammed through Medicare Part D, but I digress. At least it's some sign of the inevitable radicalization of the middle class when socialism marginalizes them, and any real change throughout history starts with the middle class - the rich/privileged are really just a small group after all, and the poor are too scattered and aimless. Poke the tiger that is the middle class, and see what you get.

Anyway, this episode simply is not funny, it is political propaganda by hacks who think liberty and freedom are a Government Program.
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