Evidence (2013)
75 Minutes Of Found Footage Mess Lead Up To A Decent Final 15 Minutes
19 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
*Review Contains Slight Spoiler But Does Not Ruin The Movie*

I constantly say im done with found footage films yet I always end up watching more, I dislike them about 80% of the time but for some reason I keep punishing myself.

"Evidence" seemed promising when I started it. Solid start, decent acting for this type of film, and a some what interesting plot. But then we dive into the "found footage" portion of the film which is a complete mess. Its basically just a jumble of scenes focused around people trapped at a old gas station getting murdered. This wouldn't be so bad if the camera didn't shake so much during all the good parts, preventing us from even really knowing whats going on.

The last 15 minutes is definitely the movies strong point, if the rest of the film would have been more like this I could have gotten on board a bit more. "Evidence" manages to pull off a 4/10 simply because of the finale.
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