Glug Glug Glug
18 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
You know, I can't always pinpoint in a bad movie the precise moment that it loses me but there was in the case of 'Magic in the Water'. The scene has a little girl named Ashley who is positive that a Loc Ness-type creature lives in the lake leaves some Oreo cookies on the edge of the dock. Upon her return she discovers that the white stuff has been licked out and the rest of the cookie remain, dry as a bone. I didn't get up and leave the movie but I did suddenly have an urge to go to the can.

There are half a dozen moments like that in 'Magic in the Water' an inexplicable E.T. wannabe that follows every family movie cliché like they were the sacred laws of the land. The story involves a dad who is constantly attached to his cell phone and his two kids Joshua and Ashley who move to the lake where a fabled creature named Orky is said to be living. Yes his named is Orky and when your laughter has subsided you may read further.

All the standard characters are here: The busy non-believing dad (Mark Harmon), the wise old man in this case and Indian named Ben; the meanies who want to use Okry's (Orky *snicker*) lake as a chemical waste dump.

'Magic in the Water' is the bi-product of two better movies: 'E.T.' and 'Free Willy' which this movie steals from at will and rather shamelessly. Oh and the Oreo Cookie company of course.
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