Deadly Weekend (2014 Video)
Vapid Gore Fest, But At Least There is a Sense of Humor About It
11 May 2014
This was actually shown in local cinemas with the very unconventional title of "Shocking Zellwood." Thinking it was probably a quirky horror film, I gave it a go. Big mistake.

At the very start, we see a dreamlike sex fantasy gone terribly awry, where an aroused fellow gets more than what he bargained for from the two buxom playmates who tied him to the bedposts. That unbearably squeamish first scene which surely got every guy in the theater looking away and holding on to their family jewels was arguably already the best scene. The film goes downhill from there.

Two young couples take off to an isolated countryside destination for a fun weekend of camping. What they thought to be a quiet and private holiday turns out to be a violent and bloody gore-fest beyond anybody's wildest nightmares.

The entire first half of the film was a lot of stupid sweet nothings from the two couples. That was a boring waste of time, except maybe for the visual presence of the sexy lead actresses, Sarah Jean Underwood and Patricia Rosales. But when the bizarre torture and killing scenes start, the stabbings, nailing, and cutting result in unnaturally gushing bloodbaths. People expecting some more eroticism as shown in the first scene will be disappointed.

I like horror films, but definitely NOT the gore sub-genre. The lousy hammy acting of everyone on screen made every thing worse than it was on paper. The revelation of who does the killings is not exactly brilliant, but at least the writer had a sense of crazy humor about it. Strictly only for gore fanatics.
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