The Gangster (2012)
Second Half Had Some Serious Potential
8 May 2014
I must say that I found the first half of this film to be fairly boring. Nothing interesting, lots of characters bouncing around without much depth, and an odd inclusion of what seemed to be interviews with real (?) people that made it almost seem like part documentary. The second half, however, is where I found myself interested. The plot picks up and interesting events start to occur. This biggest issue, however, is that the film lacks focus. Never does it feel like the film has a 100% concrete main character. We see different characters and stories, and I felt it made the film unnecessarily confusing. It would have been amazing if there was a definitive central character. Some may say the character Jod was the central character, but I felt the film bounced around a little too much for that to be true. If the first half had been like the second, and Jod had been more of the focus of the film, I think this would be an amazing movie, but as it stands now, it's only enjoyable.
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