Dear Heart (1964)
I'm a Film Lover, Who Didn't Love This Dud
7 May 2014
I really found little to like about this film. Yes, it was well-written, but I couldn't get past the premise that it was just a bunch of horny, middle-aged people hooking up at conventions. Glen Ford, on his way to meet his fiancée, stops off to have some drinks at a former lover's apartment, and she seems to have no trouble suggesting they just keep it up. Geraldine Page, an extremely unlikeable, needy, busy-body flirts with absolutely every man she sees, married or not. The whole premise here was Glen Ford not being faithful and constantly weighing his options, while Geraldine Page tries her hardest to snag someone she believes has a wife. It wasn't funny to me in the slightest - I wanted her to shut up and for Glen Ford to man up.
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