Dr. Cyclops (1940)
At Long Last, Here's Doc!!!
4 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
BEING ONE OF the many sci-fi films that we've long heard about, but never viewed, DR. CYCLOPS (Paramount, 1940), finally came our way recently.

THANKS TO PEOPLE such as Forrest J. Ackerman and his FAMOUS MONSTERS OF FILMLAND and other similar periodicals*, the be-speckled Doc had attained a truly legendary status. With an ample supply of movie stills to accompany an equally prodigious amount of prose, we were given about as much knowledge of the movie as we could have; that is, without having screened the same product.

AND JUST WHAT was the result of all of this flowery praise? Well, DR. CYCLOPS had become a legend in the annals of the Sci-Fi flick. This status would have to stand the scrutiny of our own eyeballing to see if it is truly deserved.

HAVING TO LIVE up such a reputation would seem to be quite difficult, to say the least; if not neigh well impossible. To be completely fair, we must view things through our magical prism of time. So, let's do kit.

AS FOR THE area of Special Effects, we can't really knock the film too much. There are many a classic scene that hold up very well; from this bygone era, from so long before the introduction of computer generated imagery. Hence, all of the shots of Mr. Albert Dekker (Doc Cyclops) in conflict with his shrunken protagonists, form the bulk of the storyline. In here lies the rub.

THERE NEVER SEEMS to be a solid and cinematically sound storyline. It is almost as if we are viewing just so many interesting photos in a slide show; with little connection and continuity between them.

AS FOR THE sets and color, the studio back lot and the designed sets, for the most part, aren't as convincing. The color work seems to be just a tad below standard.

AS A CURIO AND Sci-Fi film milestone, DR. CYCLOPS will always have a fond place in our hearts. Let's just stop worshiping at its altar.

NOTE: There were other notable publications, such as: Castle of Frankenstein, Scrreen Thrills Illustrated and Flashback (2 issues only).
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