Hoping for a better movie version!
23 April 2014
When I first saw the movie, I was hoping for it be much more closer to the book than this. After I saw it, I thought it was one of the worst movies I had ever seen in my whole life. First off, the locations and setting of the story are different in the movie than the book. Also, Sam's family is much smaller in the movie version. There were several scenes in the movie that were just like those in the book, including when Sam adopts his young falcon Frightful, meets Bando and Miss Turner, and even survives his first winter up in the mountains. Sadly, there were a few things about the movie that disturbed and frustrated me. The Baron Weasel was not featured in the movie, Sam's falcon Frightful is accidentally shot and killed by an insensitive hunter, and Sam leaves the mountains never to return after being informed by his parents' concerns over their missing son. I just wish that a couple of years from now, a movie crew will shoot a better film version of Jean George's book and make it more like the way the author wrote it. Also, they should make the two sequels into films as well.
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