Lovely fantasy - could've lived without clown act
23 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I recorded this on Foxtel a couple of months ago and have watched it multiple times since. The music is wonderful and complements the acts greatly but doesn't distract from them.

A young girl, Zoe, is bored and neglected by her parents and falls into a fantasy land filled with acrobats, contortionists, comics and clowns.

One of the characters dressed like a clown was disturbing, but he was meant to be, as he seemed to be a bit of a bully. The other clowns I actually can't watch - I think I have a touch of coulrophobia as they just give me the creeps. Thank goodness I can fast-forward through that act.

John Gilkey is, to my mind, a comic/acrobat/performer and not a clown - he had a lot of style and I found him very funny. See his act with the hula hoop and the voice of God for example.

Probably my favourite acts are the German Wheel; Diabolos; the skipping ropes; the aerial hoops; the Spanish Webs; and Banquine at the end, which combined acrobatics and dance spectacularly. But there wasn't a single bum act in the bunch for me except for the aforementioned clowns. Brrrr ...

Highly recommended if you want a great stage show that isn't high-tech, multi-media dependent.
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