Review of Khumba

Khumba (2013)
It's been done before but never this bad
21 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I read the reviews here at IMDb praising this movie, saw the low score and figured something wasn't right. Those reviewers will probably give this a low score. It's my first review at IMDb and unfortunately it's for the wrong reasons.

The comparison with The Lion King has to be done. It feels like a COMPLETE, very bad rip off from beginning till the end with a little Ice age here and there. It doesn't bother me that it's a rip off what bothers me is that it's done so poorly.

We have Scar the bad lion who even has a problem with one of his eyes and the hyenas working for him. The female Zebra in Khumbas age being his only friend and of course a parent dying within the first minutes of the movie but it's hard to feel sad when there are no lines between the two up until the death. Khumba makes two friends, Timon and Pumba or rather Timon and Manfred (Ice Age), and travels to get his stripes because everyone knows you can't be different. Manfred the mammoth from Ice age, Mama V, has the only difference being a female buffalo but with the same background story as Manfred and she almost looks the same(big protective buffalo). After 15 minutes you will know exactly how the movie is going to end, this is no joke and it was hard having to sit through the whole thing.

The animation is nothing special, lazy I guess. The background seem like still pictures and sometimes it feels like the animators didn't know how to finish certain scenes, making the animals do some specific things, so a few scenes end very abruptly. The zebras look the same and are hard to tell apart at times. They are way too many and there's a scene with a bunch of antelopes looking the same where they try to make a joke out of this. This is a movie for children. The message with the movie is that being different is okay, but for some reason you have to prove yourself anyway so the message makes no sense. There is one good joke if even that, the rest of the jokes keep getting explained all the freaking time which makes me believe it's for children who doesn't get the word play jokes but then again the jokes are so dumb and cheap so the explanations are unnecessary.

The music is nothing special. In less than a minute it goes from happy to scary/intense to sad. What are we supposed to feel, irritated?

Side note: One reviewer said something about many inside jokes that could only be understood by South Africans. If that's the case which I guarantee you is not it would just be another reason not to see the movie. If however you aren't from South Africa.

Conclusion: It's been done before so many times and so much better. This movie is far from original and I'm sorry but I really can't recommend it for any reason except for that one good joke I guess which may only be good since all the other ones are so bad. Want my advice, go watch The Lion King or Ice Age again instead.

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