Review of Most Wanted

The Last Nazis: Most Wanted (2009)
Season 1, Episode 2
Riddled with historical inaccuracies
18 April 2014
Historical "documentaries" have become popular among the lay population, especially when they deal with fascinating topics such as the Nazis. However, these so-called documentaries are of variable quality, and this BBC documentary is unfortunately one of the worst I have seen in years. It deals in sensation and hyperbole - and disregards (or invents!) historical fact where it needs to. Part of the statements made - e.g. that the Germans exterminated the Polish population in the period 1939- 1940 and that the Lebensborn used SS soldiers to impregnate "Aryan" women - are old myths that no serious historian believes anymore. The same goes for the old lamp shades of human skin and gassings in Dachau, stories that were totally discredited about 50 years ago. Nonetheless, these factoids are presented as if they are embraced by the community of historians, when in fact the opposite is the state of the art. This "documentary" does not distinguish properly between fact and myth, something that is key for such a work. Thus, it just adds to already existing myths and fables on the Third Reich rather than presenting interesting points of view.
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