Routine Crime Thriller Based on a Successful Television Series
14 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
In this second film inspired by the successful television series of the same name, our eponymous hero (Erdal Besikcioglu) becomes embroiled in a complicated plot involving arms-dealers, an assassinated government minister, a member of the German Embassy in Ankara who is not quite what she seems, a trip to Northern Cyprus, and an outbreak of serious rioting in Turkey's capital. The plot is enormously complicated, involving high-level corruption in government as well as a potential outbreak of terrorism. However the film's main interest - as in the television series - focuses on the central characters' relationships. Behzat remains as miserable as ever, especially when the father of one of the boys in the football team he coaches is murdered. His sidekick Harun (Fatih Artman) provides comic relief, as well as acting the heavy whenever necessary. Vulture (Berkan Sal) tries and fails to ignite a love-affair, but manages to persuade a news-anchor to tell the truth about what is happening on television, in defiance of the television bosses' wishes. Meanwhile Ghost (Inanc Konukcu) enjoys a brief respite in narcotics rather than homicide. Behzat's old adversary Ercument (Nejat Isler) reappears; the conflicts - as well as the climatic scrap - between the two men are some of the film's principal highlights. BEHZAT C: ANKARA YANIYOR is at heart a routine crime thriller, but can be appreciated by anyone familiar with the now-defunct television series.
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