Review of God's Ears

God's Ears (2008)
Means Well but Not Executed Well
10 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Written, directed, and starring Micheal Worth, it may be a little bit un- PC to give "God's Ears" a mild Thumbs Down due to it's obvious larger than lift intent and framework of autism. While it is quite a bit better than the recent truly awful "White Frog", it is a letdown in terms of direction and to some extent acting. The problem lies in the director helming the lead role - he turns in a poor performance in which he doesn't comes across consistent, but in-and-out of his role. Some scenes he seems believable while others, not remotely. Tall and pretty Margot Farley seems a little underwhelmed or disinterested at times, or perhaps that's again poor direction. Luckily fiery John Saxon helps bring a little weight. The writing is sometimes too Hallmark-Cardish for it's own good. Still there are scattered decent scenes with real emotion from various actors which help to keep the movie from completely sinking. Hard to rate, maybe 5.5/10 - perhaps with better direction and a different lead actor, the movie could've been executed better.
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