Dexter: This Is the Way the World Ends (2011)
Season 6, Episode 12
Euthenasia (As in...put this show out of its misery already!)
9 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers

(And I'm not referring to young people in China.)

Watching this series implode upon itself was painful. So please. Writers. Do us ALL a favor...and put this show out of its misery already.

To say the writing was weak, lazy, contorted, absurd, unrealistic, insulting, etc. -- would be a COMPLIMENT to season number 6.

NO believable plots.

STUPID characters.

STUPID dialogs.

STUPID monologues.

STUPID Hallucination Harry appearances/intrusions.

STUPID soap opera romances.

And when all else fails...

hook up Dexter and Debra.


Watching this season was like watching a train wreck in slow motion. Some shows just can't seem to stand their own success. I feel sorry for the actors in this mess. You KNOW they had to be dying, week after week, with no way of fixing or changing anything. Talk about capital crimes! Killing this show the way the writers, producers, and directors did should result in death row for all of them. It seemed like they were in a race to see who could come up with the most shocking, the grossest, the most perverse ideas they could, so they could then simply throw it all out there, helter-skelter, like the Manson family in the Tate-Labianca murders.

The minute they decided to gear this series towards Dexter and Harrison the show began sinking, and it never really recovered. Because schizophrenic/psychopathic serial killers, and children, simply don't mix. It didn't work with Harry and Dexter. It didn't work with Vogel and her son. And it's unrealistic to think it'll ever work with Dexter and Harrison. It's an illusion. And it's a false message. And that's exactly the message, accurately delivered, by the Brian Moser character. And what became painfully apparent as this season dragged on was that HE, not Dexter, had become the most sympathetic character, because he was the most HONEST character. All this double talk crap from Dexter about "The Code" was pure hypocrisy. He did WHAT he wanted to do, WHEN he wanted to do it, regardless of the consequences. And once that happened this show sailed hopelessly beyond the point of no return.
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