Review of The Mask

The Mask (1995–1997)
If You Thought The Mask Couldn't Get Any Funnier
8 April 2014
Then you are wrong. This show takes everything the movie did right and amplifies it a hundred-fold (incidentally, Son of the Mask takes everything this series did WRONG and amplifies it a million-fold).

First, the casting. Rob Paulsen as Stanley Ipkiss/The Mask is PERFECT. Rob already sounds like a cartoon character in real life, so who better to voice a real-life cartoon character? In addition to the Mask, he also supplies the voices of several other characters, but you knew that when you looked at his IMDb profile. RIGHT?! Alongside Rob is Jim Cummings, who has his own list of supporting characters that he supplies the voices of. He's a bit more noticeable than Rob, but still talented enough so that you'd have to step back to realize it's him.

The comedy in this show is all the Looney Tunery that the movie had with even less awkward moments. The Mask is now able to take full advantage of being animated and changes costumes, sizes, and appearance in a heartbeat, something that would be quite costly to do in the film. In addition to his catchphrases "Sssssmokin'!" and "Somebody stop me!", the show gave him a new one, the simple utterance of the word "WEDGIE!" before pulling someone's underwear over their head.

The show still takes place in Edge City, the supporting characters are still there, the Mask is still considered a criminal by the police (not unjustly, I might add), and each episode offers new antics and the occasional appearance by Mr. Rent-A-Cartoon-Villain himself, Tim Curry. The animation isn't always top-notch, but the writing more than makes up for it.

Alas, this show is nearly impossible to find online as New Line and Dark Horse seem to have gone out of their way to erase it from existence. WHY?! This was a GREAT show! If you're not going to use it, why not let us play with it for a while? Why not license it to CN? Why not reboot it? Son of the Mask was YEARS ago!
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