Son of God (2014)
Dear Son of God This "Movie" is Bad
5 April 2014
Wowsers! If you're interested in a TV movie on the big screen than this is the movie for you. Featuring a Portuguese actor playing Jesus (because Son of God forbid that an actual Middle Easterner played Jesus in a Jesus movie, lest the Faithful go wild) it is literally the Jesus part of The Bible miniseries that played on cable last year with some extra scenes. The production values are exactly what you'd expect for a TV movie - horrible.

They were hoping for a Passion of the Christ like hit, but the movie is almost gone from theaters and it's not even Easter. Ticket sales fell 61% in it's second week , even though it expanded into more theaters.

If you want a good movie about Jesus, Passion of the Christ is where it's at.
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