Arrow: Deathstroke (2014)
Season 2, Episode 18
3 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Well firstly I need to say how awesome this episode was! finale worthy. So much happens in such little time and the episode just flys by.

The episode is surrounded mainly on slade, he kidnaps' thea and makes sure Oliver knows he has done this! in retaliation Oliver gets slade arrested in which he gets released very quickly, but not before a nice convo between Oliver and slade.

surprisingly thea being kidnapped brings Oliver and moirah quite close.

Roy disagrees with everything Oliver is doing and runs away out of starling city. Oliver finds out that someone close to him is working for slade, followed by slade tricking Oliver into still trying to find thea when he is in fact building his army for Sebastian blood and has let thea go free.

the ending is quite intense as laurel finds out a massive secret about someone she is very close to, and will be interesting to see how that turns out.

An amazing episode and cannot wait for what the rest of the season holds
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