Son of God (2014)
Much plausible and persuasive chronicle of Jesus, even for non-Christians or Atheists.
1 April 2014
There have been many films portraying life of Jesus Christ. Many of them were super good, however in the view of non-Christians, those films have their pros and cons.

For example, 'Passion of Christ' of Mel Gibson was a bit uncomfortable to see, because of its too detailed description on the very sufferings, the Passion of Christ. 'The Last Temptation of Jesus Christ', a film based on the novel of Karzantzakis, is a controversial but flawless literal art piece, just as it is. However if its audience is lack of understanding about the historical background of the time of Jesus, author Karzantzakis and Director Scorsese, the film is apt to be consumed just Humanistically. One of the recent film, 'Apostle Peter and the Last Supper' looks... very stubborn to me. It tried to follow the stories in the Gospel literally, so it has no room for imagination or allegory to make the story more persuasive and reasonable. It looks much alike an evangelical church's leaflet of some 30 years ago.

This is the point where this film has its difference and advantage. This one looks much persuasive than others. Even for the non-Christians of Atheists, I bet.

The plot follows the flow of the Gospel. However it doesn't repeat the bible word by word. It does not use amazing computer graphics to describe Jesus' miracles as God. In the contrary, it emphasizes Jesus as a human, has his own agony and weakness, should make choice in every moment to complete the Father's work.

Also it has some plausible explanations for the arising questions when you read the Gospel. Why Jesus had to be crucified? What did the crucifixion means to the ordinary Jews at that time? Just around the birth of Jesus, there rose a large scale rebellion against Roman colonial rules. It was crushed cruelly, and thousands of Jews were crucified because of that rebellion. In this film, on his way back home from Egypt, the boy Jesus saw Jewish people being crucified and rotten in the air, gnawed off and eaten away by ravens. This kind of room for imagination makes the story of Jesus more plausible and persuasive.

Why did the Rabbis, the Pharisees dislike Jesus so much? What did they think when people call Jesus 'King of the Jews'? Why the people of Jerusalem betrayed Jesus so dramatically? In the days before the Passover, they welcomed and hailed Jesus as Messiah, then why did they change their mind to free the criminal thief Barabbas instead of Jesus? The explanation and description of this film could be, may be controversial in the Theoretical view. But at this postmodern age, people need imagination to convince themselves.

There are many smart points in this film. For me, Peter's denial of Jesus was one of the most emotional and touching scene. In the film, Peter is asked by Jewish people and Roman soldiers if he knows Jesus or not. Peter denies, and he is hit by a Roman soldier, then fallen to the dusty ground. At the very moment, his eyes meet Jesus' eyes! Jesus is torn off his clothes, ridiculed, being scourged, bleeding nearly to death. Peter suddenly realizes that he denies his beloved teacher, respected Messiah, adored Son of God, for three times, just as he was told by Jesus, just in front of the eyes of Jesus himself!

In the latter part of this film, Apostle Paul's story is mixed a bit suddenly, so it could look a little confusing. However this is not a big problem. Of course this film is not a kind of art masterpiece, so do not have too much expectations!

In addition, the actor for Jesus's role, Diogo Morgado is said to be 'one of the hottest Jesus in the film history'! Goodness gracious! :-)

Anyway in conclusion, this film is worth a 130 minutes of your life. It doesn't matter if you're Christian, non-Christian, or Atheist. I would like to politely but strongly recommend this film.
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