The Villain (1979)
Not even mildly entertaining
26 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The worst thing in this entire movie is how bad of an actor Arnold was. First movie I ever saw him in was Predator, and that role he did well enough that 6 or 8 year old me liked it.

Maybe if I saw this movie when I was 2, back in 79, and my standards were not yet developed, maybe then I could give this movie more than a 1. But considering its movie with Kirk Douglas, who happens to be excellent grade A actor (watch "There was a crooked man" to see him shine), I feel its criminal how much his talents were underused in this film.

Only possibly reason I can see for this movie even being made is that Arnold polished somebody's pole really well and they gave him this as reward. There is no way any sane person would have hired him as actor with that bad of English to star in same movie as Kirk Douglas if there was not more to it.
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