True Grit (1969)
One of John Wayne's Finest Performance,
25 March 2014
True Grit is a good movie with a very well developed storyline with a good cast and terrific character development.I read the book which is why I wanted to watch this movie,and as I was reading the book all I could picture while reading Rooster Cogburn's dialogue was John Wayne,it really was perfect casting and it's without a doubt one of his finest performances,an Academy Award dosen't lie.Other than John Wayne however,the cast is my biggest issue with the film,none of the other actors come across as even slightly inspired,I really didn't think the actor that played LaBeouf suited the character one bit,but the worst casting decision was without a doubt Kim Darby,she put no life in to Mattie Ross,she just said her lines,mostly in a very irritating manner,also Mattie comes across as a strong independent character in the book,and she did absolutely nothing to convey that personality in this film,he was like a robot and is the Mai reason why I give this movie a seven and not an eight.I would recommend the remake over this without a doubt,I don't think Jeff Bridges is as good as John Wayne was as Cogburn but still does a great job and every other actor is a huge improvement over the actors in this movie (Hailee Steinfeld,Matt Damon,Josh Brolin,etc.).Despite a mostly very mediocre cast,True Grit is still a very enjoyable movie with a solid performance from Wayne and a well written turn from a book to a film.

After her fathers death,Mattie Ross gets two men to join her to seek revenge against the man who killed him,Tom Chaney.
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