Monte Carlo (2011)
OK movie until silly mistaken identity
22 March 2014
Grace (Selena Gomez) is a small town girl from Texas. She has saved up all her money for a week long trip to Paris. She's going with her best friend fellow waitress wild girl Emma (Katie Cassidy). Then she's forced to go with her bitter stepsister Meg (Leighton Meester) by her parents. Meg is still sad and angry from the death of her mother, and she doesn't get along with her stepsister. The trip doesn't go well. They're rushed from one place to the next, and finally get left behind at the Eiffel Tower. When they seek shelter from the rain, Grace is mistaken for socialite Cordelia Winthrop Scott. The trio first take the hotel room, then accept a private jet ride to Monte Carlo. That's when chaos and hijinx ensue.

I like the setup of the two stepsister's conflict. The first half is actually pretty good. It has the promise of some personal growth. Then the silly mistaken identity starts to take its toll. It starts with the ridiculous foreign accent from Gomez. It's like even she knows it's silly. Worst still, the group is split apart. The only hope for this movie is for the group to develop chemistry together. Once apart, any hope for this movie falls by the wayside. The last act is just one ridiculous sitcom after another. They even put an apple into Selena's mouth. BTW that doesn't work as a gag. It becomes hopelessly stupid.
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