Kiss Her I'm Famous (2013– )
Kiss Her I'm Famous is fantastic!
22 March 2014
I adore this series! It's fun, witty, well-directed, and just a quality production all around.

Tracy Ryerson and Ilea Matthews have great chemistry and are captivating to watch. I've been a fan of Tracy's for a few years, and it's so great to see her acting because she does a great job! She has a great sense of humor. And it doesn't hurt that she's drop-dead gorgeous (in case you hadn't noticed!) This series introduced me to the incredibly talented Ilea Matthews, who is crazy funny! The additional cast members are fantastic as well, and all contribute to making this show just a joy to watch.

Rolla Selbak, creator of the show, hit a home-run with Kiss Her I'm Famous! Everything she creates is top-notch quality, and this show is no exception. So, watch it and be prepared to fall in love with it!
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