Veronica Mars (2014)
The Veronica Mars movie disappointed me
14 March 2014
Was it just me that didn't like the Veronica Mars Movie? It felt like a shadow of the show I fell in love with. From the beginning the humor wasn't there for me, Veronica was pleasant at most and the only character that felt real was Keith Mars, with his fatherly charm still intact. The fact that Veronica Mars had decided to be a lawyer, was just too out of character, they made like she became the vanilla version of herself for nine years, just to build her back up by the end of the movie.

Perhaps what bothered me the most, was that it was just too boring, it didn't feel like a movie, but one long-drawn-out episode. It could have been a new beginning instead of a two hour nod to the past, and there were a lot of nods.

The "mystery" was laughable and highly predictable, there was no sense of danger or urgency through out the movie, even close to the end when some kind of dangerous things happen. As for the romance, well, it was equally laughable and sad, not in good way.

Maybe I'm a marshmallow that just passed its point in the fire, but this movie was not for me, which is a shame, because Veronica Mars is one of my favorite characters of all time and will continue to be, just not in this movie.
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