Boom Boom Boom!!! A Rot Arcade Game Having a Stroke
13 March 2014
Aaron Paul rocks the road. The pit releases irresistible farts of movie fluff in eye-rolling forms. Need for Speed is the failing satisfaction of the crappy one-person racing game that you play in the arcade before the movie thats rotted there since the 80s, wastefully worth 4 fake gold coins. Popcorn is enough at that point. It's dry, and wet. Seamlessly. Nothing in between the crust. Hollow, yet no echo of residual substance in depth. Yeah, get along with this experience, & you'll tolerate any "jippy" racing game you've under come & broke the wheel with. There's a market for this, and it's outside the auditorium hallway, beside the concession, over by the rot-lounge of an untouched arcade graveyard, chiming sounds of in game, electrical aneurysms, that was made by those who are dead and the dead keep it. Unfortunately it's dead years old & past revolution with the kitchen nightmare attempts across half the cinemas in America to relaunch the arcade areas. About 3 years gone. Need for Speed? There is no need for speed and there hasn't been a need since the late 19th century & yesterday when the overly-impatient, brainless, anxiety ridden driver cut me off to get to his movie 30 minutes early. If anything, there is un-need for speed.
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