WCW Slamboree (1997 TV Special)
There were great matches, there were weak matches
12 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
1. WCW World TV. Title Match: Steven Regal Vs. Champ- Ultimate Dragon - Technical match for the first? I haven't got problem with that. Later crowd started cheer for the Regal, like he was face or something. Regal won, fine. 8/10

2. Luna Vachon Vs. Madusa - Luna did some nice sold!. Madusa was ordinary like always. 6.5/10

3. Yuji Yasuroka Vs. Rey Mysterio Jr. - Classic Rey's match. 7/10

4. Mortis Vs. Glacier - DQ Ending,pff. OH NO, THE CAT APPROACHED (-1/10) 6/10

5. WCW U.S. Heavyweight Title Match: Jeff Jarrett Vs. Champ-Dean Malenko -Exciting Bout, Malenko retains 7/10

6. Meng Vs. Chris Benoit - Benoit rocks, he was technically fantastic. And that super stiff Meng won, Blah. 5/10

7. Hugh Morrus/Konnan Vs. The Steiner Brothers - Steiners uncled with nice suplexes...weaker ending but very decent bout. 8/10

8. Steve McMichael Vs. Reggie White - OMG, that WAS awful, who cares about that stupidity. These 2! non-wrestlers prepared super-stiff match 2/10

9. Ric Flair/Pajpa/Greene Vs. Syxx/Scot Hall/Nash - Fine that WCW and even Flair won over NWO. NWO hadn't got so many loses. Greene was almost better skilled wrestler than Nash, funny. 6/10
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