Like having your teeth pulled out without freezing
6 March 2014
Ganesh: God of beginnings, remover of obstacles, patron of art and science. Adonis: Greek god of beauty and desire. What the heck? Isn't there a book that would warn you not to use certain names in a movie unless they actually relate to the movie? The plot is non-existent and jumps all over the place. The acting would have been better done by a class of pre-schoolers. The sound jumps from one badly applied effect to another. The music is laughable and obviously taken from other sources and also badly matched to the scenes and doesn't flow (martial music to a love scene???) I can never get the time I wasted on this rubbish back and that's really sad. You know when a movie is so bad that it becomes funny? That isn't one of those. This is just bad.

I really wish I had one of those devices used by Men in Black to erase my memory, there's about 2 hours I could get rid of.

One star rating is too many.
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